It is still the only known method of doing this, but for rather obvious reasons it has not made much progress. Project Orion is a nuclear-pulse system-a kind of atomic analog of the wartime V-2 or buzz- bomb. Small (kiloton) fission bombs would be exploded, at the rate of one every few Hermes Lindy Wholesale seconds, fairly close to a massive pusherplate which would absorb the impulse from the explosion; even in the vacuum of space, the debris Hermes Birkin Outlet can produce quite a kick.
The plate would be Hermes Kelly Online be attached to the spacecraft by a shock-absorbing system that would smooth out the pulses, so that Designer Hermes Lindy that the intrepid passengers would have a steady, one gravity ride-unless the engine started to knock. Although Project Cheap Hermes Birkin sounds slightly unbelievable, extensive theoretical studies, and some tests using conventional Hermes Kelly Sale showed that it would certainly work- and it would be many times cheaper than any other method of space propulsion.
It might even be Discount Hermes Lindy cheaper, per passenger seat, than conventional air transport-if one was thinking in terms of million-ton vehicles. But the whole project was grounded by the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and in any case it will be quite a long time before NASA, or anybody else, is thinking on such a grandiose scale. Still, it is nice to know that the possibility exists, in case the need ever arises for a lunar equivalent of the Berlin Airlift.... When we started work on 2001, some of the Orion documents had just been declassified, and were passed on to us by scientists indignant about the demise Cheap Hermes Handbags of the project.